Thursday, April 9, 2009

Cancer, a chronic condition?

....yes, well maybe. There's a lot of discussion about not curing cancer, but instead managing it as a chronic condition. It's really impossible to be "cured of cancer" or in other words to totally not have cancer cells. In fact most believe that everyone has cancer cells. It's just a matter of how your body responds with immune function, food, exercise, sunshine, etc. In most cases our amazing God given bodies' healthy cells will kill cancer cells. But if our immunity's lowered for some reason or our body's too acidic, cancer can get the upper hand. Cancer can't grow in an alkaline oxygenated environment & that goal, an alkaline body, is the goal for many people. Do I want to do what it takes to have a mostly alkaline body, uh not so sure. I think I just have to find my balance. I think I've swung to far in either direction. What a fascinating mind, body, spiritual journey!

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