Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fruit Fasting (update)

I maintained the fruit fast almost 24 hours. Now I feel much better. It was definitely harder than I expected...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fruit Fasting

I've been feeling a little under the weather today, sinusitis, sore throat. I've read from many sources to help the body heal to drink only water and eat fruit. Hard core health enthusiast would say to water fast. Ok, that doesn't really appeal to me, not to mention the fact I have to keep up with 2 young children. So I'm planning to fruit fast until I feel better. Dinner tonight was an asian pear with clementines. The asian pear was super yummy, mmm. I'm thinking farmer's market tomorrow. We're really blessed to live near the state farmer's market...yes that's definitely in order for tomorrow.
One of my most favorite blogs, mentioned in a recent post she began blogging for accountability during a weight loss journey before her wedding. I thought, what great idea, you know even fun, in a cool, geeky sort of way.
So back to fruit fasting...I plan to continue until I feel normal again...OK, no wise cracks from those who know me. I don't want to ever go back to the typical SAD, but I don't see myself doing a totally clean, pure, diet either. Actually only God knows where my journey will take me. All I know is when I don't feel my best, to fruit fast & rest as much as possible, sort of a garden of Eden diet. I have been to the gym twice this week. It feels so good to exercise. However until I feel better, no exercising.