Friday, July 2, 2010

It's a beginning...

I've recently embarked on a new health expedition of sorts to kick my health up a notch, O.K. maybe 3 or 4 or 100 notches from what it's been. Starting this week, in particular, I've taken part in Vegan Hope 30 Day Summer Workshop, which has FAR exceeded my expectations. For more info check out her blog here. Make sure to look at her's really AMAZING!

Anyway to keep myself accountable I've decided on the days I'm able to photograph what I'm eating.

Breakfast: none
Not exactly the most healthy choice, but I woke up late, took my meds (thyroid) & went to the gym. Those that don't know...I have to wait an hour before eating.

My workout: Hey, I know it's not much, but a good start, right. All I had was 25 minutes anyway before childcare closed.

Post workout snack: This was an organic fuji apple, firm, crisp, juicy & definitely hit the spot.

Natala (a.k.a. Vegan Hope Guru) has asked us to exercise 5 minutes before & 5 minutes after eating. Somehow I start of great, but by dinnertime...forget about it. I'm done. Today after my apple/before lunch I did day 3, week 1 of the hundred push up challenge. It's here. Please join me.

Lunch: 1st course, garden salad with organic romaine, orange peppers, & heirloom german johnson tomatoes from our garden with a raspberry vinaigrette. I wasn't sure how the tomatoes would taste with the vinaigrette, but the sweetness combined nicely.

"Mom, take a picture of MEEEEEE!"
Lunch: 2nd course, leftovers from last night a bbq pizza. Almost vegan, the crust had whey & the bbq sauce had honey, which made it too sweet actually.
After lunch I jogged around the house & in place while I finished unloading the dishwasher. A mom's gotta multi-task! No sharp objects were involved. :)
This is my sweet treat of choice nowadays. Supposedly the sweetener is "natural", but I haven't done any REAL research on it yet.
After swimming with the kids for about an hour, an at the pool snack: pure organic bar & baby carrots

Dinner: sweet potato with black beans & peach salsa. I liked it. I would have liked it better had the salsa been a little less spicy.

I was feeling a little too lazy, O.K. tired to fix grabbed these...a little TOO many of these.
Note to self: eating nuts out of a large bag = bad, bad nuts.
Dessert: so healthy & good. And anyone that knows me knows I LOOOOVVVEEE oatmeal. This dish contained a lot of it & no refined sugar...thank you very much.

This was my 1st serving: went back for more & couldn't finish it. As Ashleigh says, "my tummy didn't want any more."
During this challenge up until this point, I was not taking it as serious as I should. Then when Natala stepped it up a bit, I thought I've gotta do this. So today I did. I think I like eating healthy & moving my body.
Life is good.

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