Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Low Iodine Diet...here I come

It's low iodine diet time again...& in this country iodine is added to everything, if it's not in there already. So since a low iodine diet, for the most part, coincides with a very cleansing diet... I thought having to do the low iodine diet just may give me the extra will power to eat a really simple cleansing diet. It's time to get ready for some serious detox. I'm really pretty excited about it. Maybe it'll clear out those lymphs. My goal is to rebound for 15 minutes a day to help that along as well. More on this later.

O.K. this is the plan...very 80/10/10ish: all of the raw fruits & veggies I want to eat & limited raw nuts & seeds. I'll probably do a lot of smoothies, love those so do the kids. I may do some cooked veggies...we'll see. I won't be eating out in restaurants...they put iodized salt in everything. Maybe I'll experiment with some new fruits I've never tried. Too bad it's not summer with all the delicious local produce.

That's all for now...more on why I'm doing this in a later post.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


OK, I haven't made a post in a while...Since my journey started I've fallen off the wagon several times, but managed to jump right back on. I've definitely discovered how deep my addictions are to meat, dairy, sugar & processed food. Ugh. I'm getting ready to start a new challenge...I'll let you know what that is in a separate post. Some people may think it's a little crazy, but don't worry it will be totally healthy.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Go Veggie Challenge, day 3

Weight 162...lost another pound...2 lbs. total.
Used inhaler twice.
I've gotta stop this late night eating...not good for me. Last night I had a Lara Bar & some peanuts & tonight another Lara Bar.

Confession time: I came soooooo close to having some Goldfish crackers today. I was hungry & in Target. I bought Julia some Goldfish & wanted some so bad.... but I resisted! Yay, me.

Oh, today I made a green smoothie (raw spinach, strawberries, bananas, H2O, ice & Stevia). I'll include a pic. After it was blended you couldn't even see the spinach nor taste it & it was a hit with the kids.

Tomorrow is Wednesday Cleanse Day... & since I'm coming from a SAD diet my cleanse will be eating 80/10/10. Eating a very natural diet...for more info check out this website, http://foodnsport.com. Most of you may be thinking Wednesday Cleanse Day, what? I got that from my thyroid cancer group at Kris Carr's website http://my.crazysexylife.com.

See ya tomorrow!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Go Veggie Challenge, day 2

Weight 163...down 1 pound, YAY!

Still doin' the vegan thing, woo-hoo.

Update more, later.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Go Veggie challenge, day 1

I've decided to embark on a new go veggie challenge for the entire month of march, primarily for health reasons & my cute little ones. After being diagnosed with cancer about a year ago, I really haven't taken very good care of myself, definitely not like a cancer survivor should. So I decided to "go all out" (well most of the way) for a month, document how I feel, weight loss, asthma improvement etc. I'll be my own little science experiment. Here's my goals:
  • 99% vegan diet. I mean that I will mostly stick to a vegan diet, but I won't sweat the small stuff like a little milk in bread, for example. All animal protein causes cancer cell growth!
  • Incorporate as much low fat raw food as possible (i.e. fruits & veggies). Cancer cells love fat.
  • Very little refined sugar. Ugh! definitely the most difficult part. I will allow sugar from whole foods & other natural non-animal natural sources (in moderation). Cancer cells love sugar.
  • Lots of H2O to flush the toxins.
  • Skin brushing followed by running on my rebounder for 15 minutes. Skin brushing stimulates you lymphatic system, then rebounding flushes it.

I did O.K. today no animal products, lots of water, very little refined sugar.

Starting weight 164.

Used inhaler 3 or 4 times.

See ya tomorrow!