Sunday, July 26, 2009

Getting busy...

...livin' or dyin'. In other words am I putting into my temple life giving or life depleting foods. Here lately it ain't been the life givin' foods. So I've been wondering, if one were eat life giving foods & only life giving foods what would be the outcome? I don't know the answer to that because I've never tried it. Would I feel better? Would some of my health maladies disappear? You know I can't wait to find out. Will I experience a healing crisis? Only time will tell? Can I do it without falling off the wagon? I know I can.

So what do I plan to do? It's not going to be a plan established by some diet guru. I just plan to eat food as close to the way God made them as possible, basically close to a genesis 1:29 diet, meaning as unrefined & unprocessed as possible. That means for me I will be eating predominantly vegan raw foods at home, but at someone's home I will enjoy vegan cooked foods occasionally. I really want to see what an optimal diet will do for my health.

I want this to encompass more than diet though, to impact all areas of my life: my walk with the Lord, exercise, sleep, sunshine, know all that is me. I want this to be so much more than weight loss.

I believe to see any benefit at all I need to practice this for at least 21 days. I try to post updates often.

So what are you doing for the next 21 days?

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